The Continental Congress called upon the 13 states to draft new constitutions establishing governments more conducive to 'republican' principles. 大陆会议号召13个州起草新宪法,建立更有利于实现“共和”原则的政府。
The first National Thanksgiving was declared by the Continental Congress in 1777. 1777年,美国大陆会议第一次宣布感恩节为全国性节日。
In1787, inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress. 1787年发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看!
Even before the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, a state of war existed between Great Britain and the American colonies. 在第二届大陆会议通过《独立宣言》以前,英国和美洲殖民地之间就已经战事连连。
The exceptions, of course, were the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, which were sent to the Continental Congress in session in New York. 当然,《宪法》、《独立宣言》被移交至在纽约召开的大陆会议。
This version of the continental congress, the long time, fierce debate eventually make significant changes. 大陆会议对此稿又进行了长时间的、激烈的辩论,最终作出了重大的修改。
Timothy Matlack was the official scribe of the continental congress. 蒂姆西麦洛克是大陆议会的书记官。
1776-American Revolutionary War: The Continental Congress approves a Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. 1776年的今天,美国国会批准通过了宣告脱离大不列颠王国的《独立宣言》。
Finally, in1776, the Second Continental Congress appointed a committee, headed by Thomas jefferson, to draft a declaration of independence. 最后,在1776年,第二届大陆会议指定一个委员会,由托马斯?杰斐逊牵头起草了一份《独立宣言》。
1774-The first Continental Congress adjourns. 1774年的今天,首次大陆会议延期。
Before the continental congress, George Washington resigned as commander in chief of the continental army. 大陆会议前,乔治。华盛顿任职为大陆军团的主将。
To make it official, John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, signed the Declaration of Independence. 为了使其正式化,约翰·汉考克,这位大陆会议主席在《独立宣言》上率先签名。
In1774, the first Continental Congress adjourned in philadelphia. 1774年,在费城举行的首次大陆国会将延期!
He was a member of the Virginia House of burgesses and of the Continental Congress before he took command of the American Revolutionary army. 在他出任革命军统帅以前,他曾任弗吉尼亚州下议院议员和大陆会议代表。
The continental congress elected Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin composed of such person, drafting committee of the American declaration of independence. 大陆会议选出托马斯.杰斐逊、约翰.亚当斯和本杰明。富兰克林等人组成的委员会,起草美国的独立宣言。
All right. Which one is the Continental Congress room? 好的。哪一个是大陆会议开会的房间?
On June10th the continental congress appointed a commission to draft the declaration of independence. 6月10日大陆会议指定一个委员会草拟独立宣言。
In1774 the13 colonies sent delegates to Philadelphia Pennsylvania to form the First Continental Congress. 年,13个殖民地各派代表来到宾夕法尼亚州的费城组建了第一届大陆会议。